Why use SysV or POSIX shared memory vs mmap()? Why use SysV or POSIX shared memory vs mmap()? unix unix

Why use SysV or POSIX shared memory vs mmap()?

If you have a parent/child relationship, it's perfectly fine to use mmap.

sysv_shm is the original unix implementation that allows related and unrelated processes to share memory. posix_shm standardized shared memory.

If you're on posix system without mmap, you'd use posix_shm. If you're on a unix without posix_shm you'd use sysv_shm. If you only need to share memory vs a parent/child you'd use mmap if available.

If memory serves, the only reason to use SysV/POSIX over mmap is portability. In particularly older Unix systems don't support MAP_ANON. Solaris, Linux, the BSDs and OS X do, however, so in practice, there's little reason not to use mmap.

shm in Linux is typically implemented via a /dev/shm file that gets mmapped, so, performance should be equivalent -- I'd go with mmap (w/MAP_ANON and MAP_SHARED as you mention) for simplicity, if I know portability is no issue as you say's the case for you.