AndAlso/OrElse in VBA AndAlso/OrElse in VBA vba vba

AndAlso/OrElse in VBA

The only short circuiting (of a sort) is within Case expression evaluation, so the following ungainly statement does what I think you're asking;

Select Case True    Case (myObject Is Nothing), Not myObject.test()        MsgBox "no instance or test == false"    Case Else        MsgBox "got instance & test == true"    End SelectEnd Sub

This is an old question, but this issue is still alive and well. One workaround I've used:

Dim success As Boolean       ' False by default.If myObj Is Nothing Then     ' Object is nothing, success = False already, do nothing.ElseIf Not myObj.test() Then ' Test failed, success = False already, do nothing.Else: success = True         ' Object is not nothing and test passed.End IfIf success Then    ' Do stuff...Else    ' Do other stuff...End If

This basically inverts the logic in the original question, but you get the same result. I think it's a cleaner solution than the others here that only use If statements. The solution using a Select statement is clever, but if you want an alternative using only If statements, I think this is the one to use.

Or you could create a function that takes your object as a parameter and returns boolean for either case. That's what I usually to.


if Proceed(objMyAwesomeObject) then       'do some really neat stuff hereelse       'do something else, ehend if...end subprivate function Proceed(objMyAwesomeObject as Object)     if not objMyAweseomeObject is nothing then            Proceed = true     elseif objMyAwesomeObject.SomeProperty = SomeValue then            Proceed = true     else            Proceed = false     endifend function