Clear Selections of a Combobox Clear Selections of a Combobox vba vba

Clear Selections of a Combobox


should do the trick.

If you use: ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 with no list items then there will be no effect. This is a problem if you're dynamically loading the items. Use: ComboBox1.Value = Null to clear the value as mentioned above.

I faced the same problem and possibly we have the same scenario.

I understand that you don’t want to run clear method and make the current listed items vanish, but just make the combo having no value.

In case just before the attempt of making combo value null or blank string ("") or ListIndex=-1 you had repopulated the combo with new set of items this might happen. Before repopulating the combo with new items, you should call the clear method and then repopulate the combo with the new items and after that set the value to null or blank string ("") value.