Connect to web service in MS Access with VBA Connect to web service in MS Access with VBA vba vba

Connect to web service in MS Access with VBA

This is code I've used quite successfully with Access 2003. It's from the interwebs, copied and re-copied ages ago. It creates a XMLHttpRequest Object, sends an HTTP GET request, and returns the results as a string.

Public Function http_Resp(ByVal sReq As String) As String    Dim byteData() As Byte    Dim XMLHTTP As Object    Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")    XMLHTTP.Open "GET", sReq, False    XMLHTTP.send    byteData = XMLHTTP.responseBody    Set XMLHTTP = Nothing    http_Resp = StrConv(byteData, vbUnicode)End Function

sReq is the URL; the function returns the response. You may need to make sure ActiveX Data Objects are enabled under your References (in the VBA editor, go to Tools > References).

This is the code , which I used. You need to first reference Microsoft XML V6 for this code to work.

Public Sub GetPerson()    'For API    Dim reader As New XMLHTTP60    reader.Open "GET", "", False    reader.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"    reader.send    Do Until reader.ReadyState = 4        DoEvents    Loop    If reader.Status = 200 Then        Msgbox (reader.responseText)    Else        MsgBox "Unable to import data."    End IfEnd Sub

I have used the "Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit 2.01" toolkit (available here) on a few projects. It worked pretty well for me, although I also wrote the web services it was talking to, so I had the luxury of being able to fiddle with both ends of the process when getting it to actually work. :)

In fact, I just upgraded one of those apps from Access_2003 to Access_2010 and the SOAP client part of the app continued to work without modification. However, I did encounter one wrinkle during pre-deployment testing:

My app would not compile on a 64-bit machine running 32-bit Office_2010 because it did not like the early binding of the SoapClient30 object. When I switched to using late binding for that object the code would compile, but it did not work. So, for that particular app I had to add a restriction that 64-bit machines needed to be running 64-bit Office.

Also, be aware that Microsoft's official position is that "All SOAP Toolkits have been replaced by the Microsoft .NET Framework." (ref. here).