CSV export of an Access query limits float (Single/Double) values to 2 decimal places CSV export of an Access query limits float (Single/Double) values to 2 decimal places vba vba

CSV export of an Access query limits float (Single/Double) values to 2 decimal places

After fighting with this issue myself and discovering that I could export the Access table/query to Excel and then save it as CSV from there, I automated the process like this:

Public Sub ExportToCsvViaExcel(ItemToExport As String, _        DestinationFileSpec As String, _        Optional IncludeFieldNames As Boolean = True)    Const TemporaryFolder = 2    Const xlUp = -4162    Const xlCSVWindows = 23    Dim xlApp As Object  ' Excel.Application    Dim xlWorkbook As Object  ' Excel.Workbook    Dim fso As Object  ' FileSystemObject    Dim TempFileSpec As String    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    TempFileSpec = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "\" & fso.GetTempName & ".xls"    Set fso = Nothing    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, ItemToExport, TempFileSpec, False    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")    Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(TempFileSpec)    If Not IncludeFieldNames Then        xlApp.Rows("1:1").Select        xlApp.Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp    End If    xlWorkbook.SaveAs DestinationFileSpec, xlCSVWindows    xlWorkbook.Close False    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing    xlApp.Quit    Set xlApp = Nothing    Kill TempFileSpecEnd Sub

The above code doesn't force the number of decimal places to 8 (or any other number), it just outputs as many as there are.

As far as I know, the only way to change rounding/truncating behaviour for CSV exports from Access itself is to open the "Regional and Language Options" in the Windows Control Panel, click the "Customize this format..." button on the "Formats" tab, then change the "No. of digits after decimal" value on the "Numbers" tab:


(2 is a very common default value. In the above dialog I have changed it to 5.)

I'm not aware of any way to change that value from VBA, and I have my doubts that doing so would change the behaviour of the currently-running instance of Access anyway.

The following will produce 8 decimal places:

Dim dblFld      As DoubledblFld = 2197.5678Debug.Print dblFldDebug.Print Format(dblFld, "#,##0.00000000")