cycling through values in a MS Access list box cycling through values in a MS Access list box vba vba

cycling through values in a MS Access list box

Here is how you iterate through the ListBox:

Dim i as IntegerFor i = 0 to Me.ListBoxName.ListCount -1   'Access each item with    'Me.ListBoxName.ItemData(i)Next i

You can do a For loop to examine each row in the listbox, and do whatever with the rows which are selected. In this example, I display the second column from selected items in the lstLocations listbox. (Column numbering starts with zero.)

Private Sub cmdShowSelections_Click()    Dim lngRow As Long    Dim strMsg As String    With Me.lstLocations        For lngRow = 0 To .ListCount - 1            If .Selected(lngRow) Then                strMsg = strMsg & ", " & .Column(1, lngRow)            End If        Next lngRow    End With    ' strip off leading comma and space    If Len(strMsg) > 2 Then        strMsg = Mid(strMsg, 3)    End If    MsgBox strMsgEnd Sub

Note I assumed you want the selected items from the list box. If you want all items, selected or not, you could use .ItemData as @DavidRelihan suggested. However, in that case, you could get them from the listbox .RowSource instead.

If working with a listbox in Access I like to capture the listbox recordset and loop through it. Perhaps because I find DAO recordset objects easy to work with.

I'd do something like:

Dim Rst as DAO.RecordsetSet Rst = lbxYourListboxObj.Recordset'test to assure that there are recordsIf Rst.EOF then     'some error handlingend if'I'm just paranoid so I always do thisRst.MoveFirst'iterate through listDo Until Rst.EOF    'do something for each record    'it is nice and convenient to be able to reference the field names directly too!    debug.print Rst!,Rst!Field1.value    Rst.MoveNextLoop