Deep Copy or Clone an ADODB recordset in VBA Deep Copy or Clone an ADODB recordset in VBA vba vba

Deep Copy or Clone an ADODB recordset in VBA

++ Good question! btw. this way of copying object is called a deep copy.

I usually get away with creating an ADODB.Stream and saving the current recordset into it.

Then you can use the .Open() method of a new recordset and pass the stream to it.

For example:

Sub Main()    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset    rs.Fields.Append "Name", adChar, 10, adFldUpdatable    rs.Open    rs.AddNew "Name", "John"    Dim strm As ADODB.Stream    Set strm = New ADODB.Stream    rs.Save strm    Dim copy As New ADODB.Recordset    copy.Open strm    copy!Name = "hellow"    Debug.Print "orignal recordset: " & rs.Fields(0).Value    Debug.Print "copied recordset: " & copy.Fields(0).Value    strm.Close    rs.Close    copy.Close    Set strm = Nothing    Set rs = Nothing    Set copy = NothingEnd Sub

Results as expected:

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