Excel VBA Check if directory exists error Excel VBA Check if directory exists error vba vba

Excel VBA Check if directory exists error

To check for the existence of a directory using Dir, you need to specify vbDirectory as the second argument, as in something like:

If Dir("C:\2013 Recieved Schedules" & "\" & client, vbDirectory) = "" Then

Note that, with vbDirectory, Dir will return a non-empty string if the specified path already exists as a directory or as a file (provided the file doesn't have any of the read-only, hidden, or system attributes). You could use GetAttr to be certain it's a directory and not a file.

Use the FolderExists method of the Scripting object.

Public Function dirExists(s_directory As String) As Boolean    Dim oFSO As Object    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    dirExists = oFSO.FolderExists(s_directory)End Function

To be certain that a folder exists (and not a file) I use this function:

Public Function FolderExists(strFolderPath As String) As Boolean    On Error Resume Next    FolderExists = ((GetAttr(strFolderPath) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory)    On Error GoTo 0End Function

It works both, with \ at the end and without.