How do I get regex support in Excel via a function, or custom function? How do I get regex support in Excel via a function, or custom function? vba vba

How do I get regex support in Excel via a function, or custom function?

Nothing built into Excel. VBScript has built-in support and can be called from VBA. More info available here. You can call the object using late binding in VBA. I've included a few functions that I put together recently. Please note that these are not well-tested and may have some bugs, but they are pretty straightforward.

This should at least get you started:

'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vv' Procedure : RegEx' Author    : Mike' Date      : 9/1/2010' Purpose   : Perform a regular expression search on a string and return the first match'               or the null string if no matches are found.' Usage     : If Len(RegEx("\d{1,2}[/-]\d{1,2}[/-]\d{2,4}", txt)) = 0 Then MsgBox "No date in " & txt'           : TheDate = RegEx("\d{1,2}[/-]\d{1,2}[/-]\d{2,4}", txt)'           : CUSIP = Regex("[A-Za-z0-9]{8}[0-9]",txt)'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'^^Function RegEx(Pattern As String, TextToSearch As String) As String 'vv    Dim RE As Object, REMatches As Object    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")    With RE        .MultiLine = False        .Global = False        .IgnoreCase = False        .Pattern = Pattern    End With    Set REMatches = RE.Execute(TextToSearch)    If REMatches.Count > 0 Then        RegEx = REMatches(0)    Else        RegEx = vbNullString    End IfEnd Function '^^'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Procedure : RegExReplace' Author    : Mike' Date      : 11/4/2010' Purpose   : Attempts to replace text in the TextToSearch with text and back references'               from the ReplacePattern for any matches found using SearchPattern.' Notes     - If no matches are found, TextToSearch is returned unaltered.  To get'               specific info from a string, use RegExExtract instead.' Usage     : ?RegExReplace("(.*)(\d{3})[\)\s.-](\d{3})[\s.-](\d{4})(.*)", "My phone # is 570.555.1234.", "$1($2)$3-$4$5")'             My phone # is (570)555-1234.'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Function RegExReplace(SearchPattern As String, TextToSearch As String, ReplacePattern As String, _                      Optional GlobalReplace As Boolean = True, _                      Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = False, _                      Optional MultiLine As Boolean = False) As StringDim RE As Object    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")    With RE        .MultiLine = MultiLine        .Global = GlobalReplace        .IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase        .Pattern = SearchPattern    End With    RegExReplace = RE.Replace(TextToSearch, ReplacePattern)End Function'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Procedure : RegExExtract' Author    : Mike' Date      : 11/4/2010' Purpose   : Extracts specific information from a string.  Returns empty string if not found.' Usage     : ?RegExExtract("(.*)(\d{3})[\)\s.-](\d{3})[\s.-](\d{4})(.*)", "My phone # is 570.555.1234.", "$2$3$4")'             5705551234'             ?RegExExtract("(.*)(\d{3})[\)\s.-](\d{3})[\s.-](\d{4})(.*)", "My name is Mike.", "$2$3$4")''             ?RegExReplace("(.*)(\d{3})[\)\s.-](\d{3})[\s.-](\d{4})(.*)", "My name is Mike.", "$2$3$4")'             My name is Mike.'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Function RegExExtract(SearchPattern As String, TextToSearch As String, PatternToExtract As String, _                      Optional GlobalReplace As Boolean = True, _                      Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = False, _                      Optional MultiLine As Boolean = False) As StringDim MatchFound As Boolean    MatchFound = Len(RegEx(SearchPattern, TextToSearch)) > 0    If MatchFound Then        RegExExtract = RegExReplace(SearchPattern, TextToSearch, PatternToExtract, _                                    GlobalReplace, IgnoreCase, MultiLine)    Else        RegExExtract = vbNullString    End IfEnd Function

regexp use within functions is included in OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc. To activate go to Tools > Options > Calc > Calculate: Y = Enable Regular Expressions in Formulas.