How to handle events from embedded Excel.OleObjects or Excel.Shapes How to handle events from embedded Excel.OleObjects or Excel.Shapes vba vba

How to handle events from embedded Excel.OleObjects or Excel.Shapes

Have you tried using NewLateBinding.LateGet?

using MSForms = Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms;using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;...MSForms.CommandButton CommandButton1 = (MSForms.CommandButton)NewLateBinding.LateGet(Globals.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1), null, "CommandButton1", new object[0], null, null, null);                CommandButton1.Click += new Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.CommandButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(CommandButton1_Click);

It's referenced on MSDN in the VSTO forums and in an old blog post.

Solution Type: VSTO Document-Level

1.) Excel.Worksheet created at run-time. (not a Worksheet Host Item)
2.) Add a button on the Worksheet at run-time that triggers C# code when clicked.

Assembly References:
Microsoft.Vbe.Interop (Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.dll)
Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms (Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.dll)
Microsoft.VisualBasic (Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll)

Tested / Working Code:

using MSForms = Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms;using System.Windows.Forms;...Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.CommandButton CmdBtn;private void CreateOLEButton(){   Excel.Worksheet ws = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.Sheets["MyWorksheet"];   // insert button shape   Excel.Shape cmdButton = ws.Shapes.AddOLEObject("Forms.CommandButton.1", Type.Missing, false, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, 500, 5, 100, 60);   cmdButton.Name = "btnButton";   // bind it and wire it up   CmdBtn = (Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.CommandButton)Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(ws, null, "btnButton", new object[0], null, null, null);   CmdBtn.Caption = "Click me!";   CmdBtn.Click += new MSForms.CommandButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(ExecuteCmd_Click);}private void ExecuteCmd_Click(){   MessageBox.Show("Click");}

Can you programmatically add code to a CodeModule in the Workbook, like this?

Private Sub CommonButton_Click(ByVal buttonName As String)  MsgBox "You clicked button [" & buttonName & "]"End SubPrivate Sub CreateEventHandler(ByVal buttonName As String)    Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent    Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule    Dim codeText As String    Dim LineNum As Long    Set VBComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName)    Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule    LineNum = CodeMod.CountOfLines + 1    codeText = codeText & "Private Sub " & buttonName & "_Click()" & vbCrLf    codeText = codeText & "  Dim buttonName As String" & vbCrLf    codeText = codeText & "  buttonName = """ & buttonName & "" & vbCrLf    codeText = codeText & "  CommonButton_Click buttonName" & vbCrLf    codeText = codeText & "End Sub"    CodeMod.InsertLines LineNum, codeTextEnd Sub