How to insert a picture into Excel at a specified cell position with VBA How to insert a picture into Excel at a specified cell position with VBA vba vba

How to insert a picture into Excel at a specified cell position with VBA

Try this:

With xlApp.ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PicPath)    With .ShapeRange        .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue        .Width = 75        .Height = 100    End With    .Left = xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 20).Left    .Top = xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 20).Top    .Placement = 1    .PrintObject = TrueEnd With

It's better not to .select anything in Excel, it is usually never necessary and slows down your code.

Looking at posted answers I think this code would be also an alternative for someone. Nobody above used .Shapes.AddPicture in their code, only .Pictures.Insert()

Dim myPic As ObjectDim picpath As Stringpicpath = "C:\Users\photo.jpg" 'example photo pathSet myPic = ws.Shapes.AddPicture(picpath, False, True, 20, 20, -1, -1)With myPic    .Width = 25    .Height = 25    .Top = xlApp.Cells(i, 20).Top 'according to variables from correct answer    .Left = xlApp.Cells(i, 20).Left    .LockAspectRatio = msoFalseEnd With

I'm working in Excel 2013. Also realized that You need to fill all the parameters in .AddPicture, because of error "Argument not optional". Looking at this You may ask why I set Height and Width as -1, but that doesn't matter cause of those parameters are set underneath between With brackets.

Hope it may be also useful for someone :)

If it's simply about inserting and resizing a picture, try the code below.

For the specific question you asked, the property TopLeftCell returns the range object related to the cell where the top left corner is parked. To place a new image at a specific place, I recommend creating an image at the "right" place and registering its top and left properties values of the dummy onto double variables.

Insert your Pic assigned to a variable to easily change its name. The Shape Object will have that same name as the Picture Object.

Sub Insert_Pic_From_File(PicPath as string, wsDestination as worksheet)    Dim Pic As Picture, Shp as Shape    Set Pic = wsDestination.Pictures.Insert(FilePath)    Pic.Name = "myPicture"    'Strongly recommend using a FileSystemObject.FileExists method to check if the path is good before executing the previous command    Set Shp = wsDestination.Shapes("myPicture")    With Shp        .Height = 100        .Width = 75        .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue  'Put this later so that changing height doesn't change width and vice-versa)        .Placement = 1        .Top = 100        .Left = 100    End withEnd Sub

Good luck!