How to return from a function in case of error in VBA How to return from a function in case of error in VBA vba vba

How to return from a function in case of error in VBA

You need to put EXIT FUNCTION there to get out of further execution:

Function GetEditboxValue(control As IRibbonControl, text As String) As String    If Not IsMissing(text) Then        If Not IsNumeric(text) Then            MsgBox "Please enter numeric value only."            EXIT FUNCTION        End If    End If    If = "xyz" Then    spaceAboveTable = text    End IfEnd Function

In a generalized sense (I'm not actually saying anything that hasn't already been said):

Function Foo(inputVar As Double) As Double    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    ' Code assigning something to returnValue and defaultOutput    Foo = returnValue    Exit Function    ErrorHandler:    Foo = defaultOutput End Function

No reason it has to be Double, of course.

(Edited because I had a second "Exit Function" instead of "End Function.")

You can use Exit Function after your MsgBox statement