HTTPS POST request using VBA for Excel HTTPS POST request using VBA for Excel vba vba

HTTPS POST request using VBA for Excel

The WinHttpRequest object has a SetClientCertificate method. Try this code example taken from the MSDN (I tried to adapt it for VBA):

' Instantiate a WinHttpRequest object. 'Dim HttpReq as new ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")' Open an HTTP connection. 'HttpReq.Open("GET", "", false)' Select a client certificate. 'HttpReq.SetClientCertificate("LOCAL_MACHINE\Personal\My Certificate")' Send the HTTP Request. 'HttpReq.Send()

While I have not used the COM component (WinHttpRequest), it seems you need a call to SetClientCertificate prior to calling send, as per the link.

Does that help?

I have the same situation (send a http request from a VBA in Excel); I created three objects:

Set HttpReq = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") 

-- for the http request class, and

Set fsobj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set txtobj = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\PKCERT.PEM")

-- to get into a variable the certificate contents, to pass it to HttpReq.SetClientCertificate,

certificate_data = txtobj.ReadAllHttpReq.SetClientCertificate (certificate_content)

So I can send the request including its public key certificate, as usual,


P.S. I found a script at -- it worked fine in my case, hope in yours too.