Making Long variables work in 64 bit AND 32 bit Excel VBA Making Long variables work in 64 bit AND 32 bit Excel VBA vba vba

Making Long variables work in 64 bit AND 32 bit Excel VBA

I agree with @Ken White's answer.
Remark (for some answers):

  • You don't ask to convert your 32-bit project into a 64-bit project (which will not work on 32-bit).
  • You always NEED to declare the variable type (if you are a good programmer)

You can still use the Long data type in Office 64-bit. It will be compatible for running in 32-bit and 64-bit Office.
But sometimes, you don't have the choice, because some object's properties are not the same data type in 32-bit vs. 64-bit.For instance, if you use ADO:

Dim rstTest As ADODB.Recordset 
  • rstTest.RecordCount is Long on 32-bit Office
  • rstTest.RecordCount is LongLong on 64-bit Office

If you want to store rstTest.RecordCount into a lngCount variable, you MUST declare this variable with LongPtr otherwise it won't work on 32-bit AND 64-bit:

Dim lngCount As LongPtr  lngCount = rstTest.RecordCount

Try LongLong. From the spec, it looks like LongLong is the replacement for the 32 bit type Long.