Using MsgBox without pausing the application Using MsgBox without pausing the application vba vba

Using MsgBox without pausing the application

Sounds like you're not expecting any user input from the MsgBox. In this case, depending on your application, the StatusBar may be an adequate substitute.

In Excel this is easy:

Application.StatusBar = "Please be patient..."Application.StatusBar = iDone & " of " & iTotal & " items done."

To clear the StatusBar when done:

Application.StatusBar = False

In Access, the syntax is a tiny bit more convoluted:

Temp = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Hey, look at me!") ' Puts out your messageTemp = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus) ' Clears StatusBar

As far as I've ever been able to discover, the answer is you can't. The work-around is a custom form that serves as a dialog box.

See (not precisely your question, but applicable).

MsgBox is modal (meaning the window comes up and halts execution of code until it is cleared). As other posters/commenters have mentioned - your alternative is to write your own version of a popup that is not modal. Not really worth the effort unless you really need it that way.