vba button - find which was clicked vba button - find which was clicked vba vba

vba button - find which was clicked

I always write wrappers for each button that then call the macro in question.

Like so:

Public Sub StoreButton_Click()  Call StoreTransValues(ActiveSheet)End Sub

If you have only one button for any one page, you can just get the ActiveSheet property, and it will be the button on that page.


Here's the code to get and use the name of the calling button:

Dim ButtonText As StringButtonText = Application.CallerActiveSheet.Shapes(ButtonText).Delete

You would use the .Move method to move the button.

I finally found the solution for determining which button in a Worksheet was pushed. Credit is due to Derk at http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33351.

My final example code:

Sub HereIAm()    Dim b As Object    Dim cs, rs As Integer    Dim ss, ssv As String    Set b = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)    With b.TopLeftCell        rs = .Row        cs = .Column    End With    ss = Left(Cells(1, cs).Address(False, False), 1 - (ColNumber > 26)) & rs    ssv = Range(ss).Value    MsgBox "Row Number " & rs & "    Column Number " & cs & vbNewLine & _        "Cell " & ss & "   Content " & ssvEnd Sub

If you don't need the cells label, Cells(rs,cs).Value works as well.

Dim button as a string:    button = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name