VBA Excel Break Points and Stop do not work VBA Excel Break Points and Stop do not work vba vba

VBA Excel Break Points and Stop do not work

I've never heard of Stop not working, but I've heard about and experienced the breakpoint thing many times. When you compile VBA, it creates a p-code, which is used by the interpreter. You have the VBA syntax layer that you can see and the p-code layer that you can't see. When breakpoints stop working, it's because the p-code was corrupted. I don't know how or why it happened, but it did.

The fix is to export, remove, and reimport all of your modules. Exporting them creates a .bas file (plain text, really). When you re-import, the p-code is regenerated from scratch. If you have more than a couple of modules, get CodeCleaner (free add-in) and it will export and reimport automatically.

Just to 'second' Tibo's comment: I had a problem where I had a form with about 5 different subroutines. One of them (attached to a button event) would not stop when I set a breakpoint. in 10 years of VBA writing, I've never seen that happen. Interestingly, breakpoints worked on all of the other subroutines in that form. After much head-scratching and searching, I came upon this post and Tibo's comment. I added a "Stop" command to the affected subroutine, ran the procedure (it stopped as it should have) and then breakpoints began working again! Hope this helps someone in the future.

If the breakpoints are in your code, then the code should stop running as soon as it hits that line. Possible causes of your problem:

a) The code never gets to the Breakpoint. Seems highly unlikely seeing as you're breaking on the first line of your code. Maybe step through the sub (F8) just to check it's running as it should.

b) Your breakpoints have been wiped. Any line with a breakpoint should display as highlighted in red on your IDE. Your breakpoints can easily be wiped through, e.g. closing and opening the workbook (a screenshot would be really useful).

c) your workbook is broken in some way. It would be unlikely to break something as fundamental as stopping at breakpoints and still function normally. Are you sure your code is actually running?