VBA Outlook. Trying to extract specific data from email body and export to Excel VBA Outlook. Trying to extract specific data from email body and export to Excel vba vba

VBA Outlook. Trying to extract specific data from email body and export to Excel

Seems like very nice code for a "Complete Novice"

Your code is very close to working. The thing that you seem to have missed is understanding how the Array variable "messageArray" is working.

Arrays by default start at zero , and move up from there. so an Array with 3 possible values would be Dimensioned as

dim messageArray(3) as string   -'meaning an array with 3 possible values all of which are strings

and to fill that variable you would then need to change your code from what you have to this

xlobj.Range("a" & i + 1).Value = messageArray(0)  ' Not 1 xlobj.Range("b" & i + 1).Value = messageArray(1)  ' Not 2xlobj.Range("c" & i + 1).Value = messageArray(2)  ' Not 3

The other thing to be aware of , is the use of split function, and the delimiters is very elegant, but your columns of data may end up with not just the customer number, but the customer number plus a whole bunch of text that you may not want. You might need to consider a starting and ending delimiter.

For example, as you have it, your text from the email currently reads

Reference number 1234567890.
STATUS: ----not needed info-----
Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXX Pro.......

You delimiters will find the key words "reference number" and "Serial number" and leave you with your text looking like this

### **1234567890**.  '*STATUS: ----not needed info-----* ### **XXXXXXXXXX** Pro.......

in this way your first column of data will contain everything between the two delimiters '###' meaning your first column will contain all of this:

> **1234567890**.> *STATUS: ----not needed info-----*

instead of just this


The simplest solution would be to add another delimiter at 'STATUS' and add another column called 'status' You would end up with 4 columns and ALL data neatly sub-divided.

I can see it was quite a while since you posted this , I hope this helps. Apologies all for the crazy formatting, I haven't posted on StackOverflow before.