Wait until Application.Calculate has finished Wait until Application.Calculate has finished vba vba

Wait until Application.Calculate has finished

Further to my comments, you can use DoEvents with the Application.CalculationState. See this example

Application.CalculateIf Not Application.CalculationState = xlDone Then    DoEventsEnd If'~~> Rest of the code.

If you want you can also use a Do While Loop to check for Application.CalculationState

I would also recommend see this link

Topic: Application.CalculationState Property

Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb220901%28v=office.12%29.aspx

Quote From the Above Link

Returns an XlCalculationState constant that indicates the calculation state of the application, for any calculations that are being performed in Microsoft Excel. Read-only.

Accepted answer did not worked for me because "DoEvents will not block until calculate completes and is effectively a no-op in your example code" I had the same issue. Finally this solution worked for me.

Do    DoEvents    Application.CalculateLoop While Not Application.CalculationState = xlDone

In Manual calculation mode sometimes while loop goes into long running process. That is why added below line.
