Access Vue.js component property inside Ajax function Access Vue.js component property inside Ajax function vue.js vue.js

Access Vue.js component property inside Ajax function

You need to .bind the this context, as the callback is not naturally called in the context of the component:

var MyComp = Vue.extend({props: {        html_prop: null,},        // ....        fetchCondiciones: function(url){            $.ajax({                    type: "GET",                    url: url,                    cache: false,                    data: vardata,                    success: function(data,status,error) {                        if(data != ''){                            this.html_prop = data;                        }                    }.bind(this), // bind this here                    error: function(data,status,error){                        alert(error);                    }.bind(this) // bind this here            });        }        // ...});

You can learn more about .bind and this here:

As already answered, .bind will fix the issue on this, however, I like to use a different approach, and store this in a variable before any Ajax calls or nested functions. Very helpful when your code grows inside the method. It is also easier to read.

You can save this to a var called self for example. Then use self anywhere inside that method without a problem.

var MyComp = Vue.extend({props: {    html_prop: null,},    // ....    fetchCondiciones: function(url){        var self = this;        $.ajax({                type: "GET",                url: url,                cache: false,                data: vardata,                success: function(data,status,error) {                    if(data != ''){                        self.html_prop = data;                    }                }                error: function(data,status,error){                    alert(error);                }        });    }    // ...});


Today we could just use ES6 arrow function syntax.

The value of this inside the function is determined by the surrounding scope, and there is no need to create a new variable, or to use bind:

    // ....    fetchCondiciones: url => {        $.ajax({                type: "GET",                url: url,                cache: false,                data: vardata,                success: (data,status,error) => {                    if(data != ''){                        this.html_prop = data;                    }                }                error: (data,status,error) => {                    alert(error);                }        });    }


    // ....    fetchCondiciones(url) {        $.ajax({                type: "GET",                url: url,                cache: false,                data: vardata,                success(data,status,error) {                    if(data != ''){                        this.html_prop = data;                    }                }                error(data,status,error) {                    alert(error);                }        });    }

You can provide a context option and set it to this like so:

$.ajax({  context: this,   ..})

Which I prefer over binding this as it seems more readable, too.

From the jQuery AJAX docs:

The this reference within all callbacks is the object in the context option passed to $.ajax in the settings; if context is not specified, this is a reference to the Ajax settings themselves.