Attach validation rule to form field programmatically Attach validation rule to form field programmatically vue.js vue.js

Attach validation rule to form field programmatically

The way I got around this feels hacky but I couldn't get it to work with my original approach.

For date fields that required a dynamic range I ended up using the directive style rules string and concatenated a computed property.

For example:

  computed: {    ninetyNineYearsAgo() {      return new Date().getFullYear() - 99;    },    eighteenYearsAgoFormatted() {      let eighteenYearsAgo = new Date().getFullYear() - 18;      let todayISODate = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];      return eighteenYearsAgo + '-' + todayISODate.split('-')[1] + '-' + todayISODate.split('-')[2];    }  }<div class="input-group">  <input type="date"          class="form-control"          name="panelData.AnalysisDate"          data-vv-as="Analysis Date"          v-model="panelData.AnalysisDate"         v-validate="'date_format:YYYY-MM-DD|date_between:' + ninetyNineYearsAgo +'-01-01,'+ eighteenYearsAgoFormatted + ',true'"></div>