binding multiple properties to a textfield label in Vuetify binding multiple properties to a textfield label in Vuetify vue.js vue.js

binding multiple properties to a textfield label in Vuetify

Or use template literals directly in the template as:

<v-text-field  :value="`Our client, ${name}, is ${age} years old.`"  outline  readonly  >

Also notice Mustaches cannot be used inside HTML attributes. That is, {{}} won't work for attributes.

Use a computed field.

{  computed: {    textFieldMsg() {     return `Our client, ${}, is ${this.age} years old.`;  },}


<v-text-field  :value="textFieldMsg"  outline  readonly  >

Also, depending on what you're trying to do with the text field will determine which solution is best for you. Are the values of and this.age changing depending on other input fields? Is this just static content for the life of the page? Etc...