Call function if switch gets toggled in VueJS/VuetifyJS Call function if switch gets toggled in VueJS/VuetifyJS vue.js vue.js

Call function if switch gets toggled in VueJS/VuetifyJS

Found another better solution to use @change prop, Which calls the method every time the switch is toggled.

    <v-switch        :input-value="true"        @change="changeState("    ></v-switch>    <v-switch        :input-value="true"        @change="changeState("    ></v-switch>

Here's script,

methods:{    changeState(id) {        console.log("Switch "+id);        // Do stuff    }}

You can set up a watcher on switch1 data property as follows:

<script>  export default {    data () {      return {        switch1: false      }    },    watch: {      switch1(newValue){        //called whenever switch1 changes        console.log(newValue);      }    }  }</script>

Since the v-model of v-switch is bound to switch1 , whenever the switch is toggled on/off the watch handler of switch1 gets called with the changed newValue

Here is a codepen