Catch Vue.js warnings for unit testing required properties Catch Vue.js warnings for unit testing required properties vue.js vue.js

Catch Vue.js warnings for unit testing required properties

Unfortunately it looks like the only way to do this is to hook into the Vue.warnHandler

I used a variable and reset it on the afterEach hook (Mocha) like so:

let localVue;let hasWarning = false;function functionToWrapShallowMount(propsData) {    const Wrapper = shallowMount(Control, {        propsData,        provide: {            $validator: () => {}        },        localVue    });    return Wrapper;}before(() => {    localVue = createLocalVue();    Vue.config.warnHandler = () => {        hasWarning = true;    };});afterEach(() => {    hasWarning = false;});it('throws a warning', () => {    const { vm } = functionToWrapShallowMount({        name: 'foooo',        value: 'bad'    });'foooo');    hasWarning.should.eq(true);});

The catch to this is you cannot use the localVue from Vue test utils you must use the Vue instance imported from vue.