CKEditor Upload Adapter Sends [object Promise] to Server CKEditor Upload Adapter Sends [object Promise] to Server vue.js vue.js

CKEditor Upload Adapter Sends [object Promise] to Server

Reason for your problem is that in version 11.0.0 of ckeditor5-upload plugin the API was changed, loader.file is now a Promise (see release notes). Unfortunately the docs were not updated accordingly.

You need to adjust your upload function a little:

upload() {    return this.loader.file        .then( uploadedFile => {            return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {            const data = new FormData();            data.append( 'upload', uploadedFile );            axios( {                url: '/index/uploadimage',                method: 'post',                data,                headers: {                    'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data;'                },                withCredentials: false            } ).then( response => {                if ( == 'success' ) {                    resolve( {                        default:                    } );                } else {                    reject( );                }            } ).catch( response => {                reject( 'Upload failed' );            } );        } );    } );}

The docs that had this issue are now fixed and use promise properly. Hope this solves the problem for you!

Use jQuery ajax. I cannot find an equivalent using fetch or axios. The key is setting contentType: false and processData: false.

upload() {        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {            const data = new FormData();            data.append('postedFile', this.loader.file);            $.ajax({                url: '/index/uploadimage',                data,                contentType: false,                processData: false,                type: 'POST',                success: response => {                    resolve({                        default:                    });                },                error: () => {                    reject('Upload failed');                }            });        });    }