Csrf token in vue component Csrf token in vue component vue.js vue.js

Csrf token in vue component

As an alternative ways:

1- Get the token from meta tag with csrf-token name inside of <head>:


2- Pass it as a prop to your Vue component:

<your-component :csrf-token="{{ csrf_token() }}"></your-component>

If you have written meta tags for csrf token in the master template then try this.

<template>      <form action = "/user/checkout" method="POST">        <input type="hidden" name="_token" v-bind:value="csrf">       ....      </form></template>

In the script tag of the component:

 <script>    export default{        data(){          return {            //csrf token             csrf: document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content'),       }    }    </script>

Do this in blade:

<Example-component csrf="{{csrf_token()}}"></Example-component>

Do this in Vue Component:

In form<input type="hidden" name="_token" v-bind:value="csrf">In Scriptexport default {        props: ['csrf', 'oldName']   }