Disable Dart SASS Warnings Produced By External Theme File Disable Dart SASS Warnings Produced By External Theme File vue.js vue.js

Disable Dart SASS Warnings Produced By External Theme File

See the following issues: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/issues/954 and https://github.com/sass/sass/issues/3065.

The quietDeps option isn't exposed yet to the Node.js API.

In the meantime you can downgrade to sass 1.32 without too many changes.

EDIT: It's now available in sass 1.35.1.

For anyone who looking for Encore configuration

Encore.enableSassLoader((options) => {  options.sassOptions = {    quietDeps: true, // disable warning msg  }})

For NuxtJS add this to nuxt.config.js

  build: {    loaders: {      scss: {        sassOptions: {          quietDeps: true        }      }    }  }