DOM element to corresponding vue.js component DOM element to corresponding vue.js component vue.js vue.js

DOM element to corresponding vue.js component

Just by this (in your method in "methods"):

element = this.$el;


The proper way to do with would be to use the v-el directive to give it a reference. Then you can do this.$$[reference].

Update for vue 2

In Vue 2 refs are used for both elements and components:

In Vue.js 2 Inside a Vue Instance or Component:

  • Use this.$el to get the HTMLElement the instance/component was mounted to

From an HTMLElement:

  • Use .__vue__ from the HTMLElement
    • E.g. var vueInstance = document.getElementById('app').__vue__;

Having a VNode in a variable called vnode you can:

  • use vnode.elm to get the element that VNode was rendered to
  • use vnode.context to get the VueComponent instance that VNode's component was declared (this usually returns the parent component, but may surprise you when using slots.
  • use vnode.componentInstance to get the Actual VueComponent instance that VNode is about

Source, literally: vue/flow/vnode.js.

Runnable Demo:

Vue.config.productionTip = false; // disable developer version warningconsole.log('-------------------')Vue.component('my-component', {  template: `<input>`,  mounted: function() {    console.log('[my-component] is mounted at element:', this.$el);  }});Vue.directive('customdirective', {  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {    console.log('[DIRECTIVE] My Element is:', vnode.elm);    console.log('[DIRECTIVE] My componentInstance is:', vnode.componentInstance);    console.log('[DIRECTIVE] My context is:', vnode.context);    // some properties, such as $el, may take an extra tick to be set, thus you need to...    Vue.nextTick(() => console.log('[DIRECTIVE][AFTER TICK] My context is:', vnode.context.$el))  }})new Vue({  el: '#app',  mounted: function() {    console.log('[ROOT] This Vue instance is mounted at element:', this.$el);        console.log('[ROOT] From the element to the Vue instance:', document.getElementById('app').__vue__);    console.log('[ROOT] Vue component instance of my-component:', document.querySelector('input').__vue__);  }})
<script src=""></script><h1>Open the browser's console</h1><div id="app">  <my-component v-customdirective=""></my-component></div>