Electron & ES6 how to implement require remote/ipc when using gulp and ES6 modules Electron & ES6 how to implement require remote/ipc when using gulp and ES6 modules vue.js vue.js

Electron & ES6 how to implement require remote/ipc when using gulp and ES6 modules

In my case, I'm using browserify with babelify, if I tried:

var remote = require('remote')

I would got error:

Error: Cannot find module 'remote' from xxx

But if I tried

var remote = window.require('remote')

It works.

import remote from 'remote' doesn't work, seems like browserify can't find those native modules not defined in package.json.

Well been playing and I have managed to get this to work in a way:

Basically i set the remote and ipc modules within the html page, then pass in those, into my class for that page.


 <script>   var remote = require('remote');   var ipc = require('ipc');   new Main(ipc); </script>

Main.js - Class File

 export default class Main extends Vue{  constructor(ipc) {   ....   ipc.send('listener here','message here');   .....

The files can be viewed within this Branch:

Honestly, the easiest way to solve this is to not minify your binaries or use browserify. Electron already has require in the global scope - all you need to do is run your files through Babel to ES6 => ES5 compile them (electron-compile makes this trivially easy too). Your import statement will get translated to a require, which Electron will automatically handle out of the box.

In general, a lot of optimization strategies that you're used to on the web like minification or concatenation are unnecessary or don't make sense in Electron, you can mostly just not do them!