Element-UI : font-family differencies between components Element-UI : font-family differencies between components vue.js vue.js

Element-UI : font-family differencies between components

I was facing a similar issue, if you are using webpack, one of the options is to add the following code when importing element UI:

import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/reset.css'

You will find the original answer here:


In my scenario I wanted to make a global change to the font-family.

On top of importing the above mentioned reset.css, as you mentioned some components i.e. <input>s, <button>s were still not behaving and inheriting the declared font-family (applied to say the <body>) and were falling back to browser defaults.

Digging around the element-ui GitHub issues, I found the following snippet which forces these missing elements to inherit their font-family, so a single font-family definition on the body will propagate to all components. I insert this right after my body font-family definition.

    button,     input,     select,     textarea {            font-family: inherit;            font-size: inherit;            line-height: inherit;            color: inherit;        }

Taken from : https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/150#issuecomment-249750366