Export SASS/SCSS variables to Javascript without exporting them to CSS Export SASS/SCSS variables to Javascript without exporting them to CSS vue.js vue.js

Export SASS/SCSS variables to Javascript without exporting them to CSS

Note: I have posted this answer because it seems there is no better solution, however, if someone subsequently provides a better solution, I will be more than happy to accept it.

It seems that the only real solution to this is to extract the export statement out of the _variables.scss file and place it into it's own _export.scss file which will subsequently not be included in the SCSS compliation.

This will look something like this:

_variables.scss - included in the SCSS compilation

/* Define all colours */$white:    #fff;$black:    #000;$grey:     #ccc;// etc...

_export.scss - not included in the SCSS compilation

@import "variables";:export {    // Export the color palette to make it accessible to JS    white: #fff;    black: #000;    grey: #ccc;    // etc...}

And then your app.scss (I use brand.scss) file will look something like this (note the absence of @include "export";):

@import "variables";@import "mixins";@import "core";@import "animations";// etc...

Then, _export.scss is simply reference only in JavaScript like so (note that core-styles is just an alias that I used in my projects):

import styles from 'core-styles/brand/_export.scss';