Fetch html data attribute with Vue js onchange Fetch html data attribute with Vue js onchange vue.js vue.js

Fetch html data attribute with Vue js onchange

I've updated it for you, you will use @change with event to get the selected target,

<div id="pricesection"><form method="post">   {{dataprice}}   {{datavalue}}  <select @change="onChange" id="option" class="form-control                  sectionprice" required="" name="option">    <option disabled="disabled" value="">Select Option</option>    <option data-type="Option" data-value="Mac Pro 128 GB" data-price="915.56">Mac Pro 128 GB</option>    <option data-type="Option" data-value="Mac Pro 254 GB" data-price="1300">Mac Pro 254 GB</option>  </select>  <input name="realprice" type="hidden" :value="dataprice" /></form></div><script>new Vue({  el: "#pricesection",      data: {        dataprice: '',        datavalue: ''      },      methods: {        onChange(e) {          if (e.target.options.selectedIndex > -1) {            const theTarget = e.target.options[e.target.options.selectedIndex].dataset;            this.dataprice = theTarget.price            this.datavalue = theTarget.value          }        }      }})</script>