FontAwesome with Vuetify - How to include Font Awesome icons within the v-icon component FontAwesome with Vuetify - How to include Font Awesome icons within the v-icon component vue.js vue.js

FontAwesome with Vuetify - How to include Font Awesome icons within the v-icon component

You can use tree shaking.

Since you are looking for an option to avoid loading all icons into vue/vuetify, I suggest that you utilize the tree shaking method and add each icon you want to use, manually. This can be a bit tedious but adding in icons on demand will be beneficial in the long term - as webpack will just bundle up the ones you specify.

Please note:

In this tutorial, I assume that the reader has the Pro package. If you only want to use the free ones just remove anything resembling pro from the mix

Below you can see my preferred way of doing this with vuetify and using SVGs with v-icon and v-text/v-html:

First we have to install the icons:

(open up your terminal/command-prompt inside your project and install)

$ npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core // this is the svg core, it is needed.$ npm i --save @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome // Vue integration *$ npm i --save @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons // Branding icons$ npm i --save @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons // only for FA5 free **$ npm i --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons // only for FA5 free **$ npm i --save @fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons // Pro icons regular type$ npm i --save @fortawesome/pro-light-svg-icons // Pro icons light type$ npm i --save @fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons // Pro icons solid type$ npm i --save @fortawesome/pro-duotone-svg-icons // Pro icons duotone type *** 
  1. ( * ) The vue integration bundle more info
  2. ( ** ) Only needed for free icons, if you own Pro and followed the instructions here, they are are included in pro already.
  3. ( *** ) As of writing, the duotone icons are not completely integrated yet, beware of errors.

Then lets add this to our vuetify configuration:

I assume here that you use vuejs with javascript (not typescript) and that you've installed vuetify through vue add vuetify. The vuetify.js file should reside inside the plugins folder in your src folder. Your milage may vary.

// src/plugins/vuetify.jsimport Vue from 'vue';import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib';import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' // Core SVGimport { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome' // Integration// ... there should be more here, but see next part below ...Vue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon) // add it to vueVue.use(Vuetify);export default new Vuetify({  icons: {    iconfont: 'faSvg', // The bees knees, what most people are looking for.  },});

Ok, now that we've added the main components of FontAwesome 5, let's use treeshaking to instruct which icons we'd like to use for our project. I will only use two icons as examples: fa-plus and fa-user-circle, and I will add them for three of the Font Awesome Pro 5 packages we installed (Light, Regular and Duotone) and then I will add some others (bars and user) for the solid, to see how this can be done in both ways at the same time.

So back to our vuetify.js file, we replace

// ... there should be more here, but see next part below ...

with the following (note camelcase):

// src/plugins/vuetify.js// ...import {     faBars,    faUser} from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons'import {    faPlus as farPlus,    faUserCircle as farUserCircle} from '@fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons'import {    faPlus as falPlus,    faUserCircle as falUserCircle} from '@fortawesome/pro-light-svg-icons'import {    faPlus as fadPlus,    faUserCircle as fadUserCircle} from '@fortawesome/pro-duotone-svg-icons'// ...

Quick note: If you still would like to add the entire library of these, you can do that by importing like so: import { far } from '@fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons' (for regular) and so on.

As you can see, we've now added fa-plus and fa-user-circle to our project. From here, we need to add them to the library we imported into the vuetify.js config. (don't sweat, the whole file can be seen below in the code snippet.):

// src/plugins/vuetify.js// ...Vue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon)library.add(    faBars, faUser,    farPlus, falPlus, fadPlus,     farUserCircle, falUserCircle, fadUserCircle)/// ...

Now that we've added them to the library, we need to hand them over to vuetify. Vuetify has some special icons that they use for things like the <v-app-bar-nav-icon></v-app-bar-nav-icon> (hamburger menu). We can customize these, and add our own to the mix (if we'd like). I do this by defining a constant and add all the icons I need in there, like so:

const CUSTOM_ICONS = {    add: { // custom icon I want to use        component: FontAwesomeIcon,        props: {            icon: ['fad', 'plus']        }    },    menu: { // used for the nav-icon by vuetify        component: FontAwesomeIcon,        props: {            icon: ['fas', 'user']        }    }}

and then we add this constant to the config like so:

export default new Vuetify({  icons: {    iconfont: 'faSvg',    values: CUSTOM_ICONS,  },});

You could also add them directly into the values variable, but I find it more readable to do it through a constant.

Now we can use these in templates, appends or prepends:

<template>    <v-app>        <!-- reference the whole path -->        <v-icon>$vuetify.icons.add</v-icon>        <!-- but this is easier -->        <v-icon>$add</v-icon>        <v-select            :items="direction"            label="Select direction"            menu-props="auto"            prepend-icon="$unfold" <!-- short version -->            append-icon="$vuetify.icon.unfold" <!-- long version -->            >        </v-select>    </v-app></template>

Finally, here is the complete example: