Getting bootstrap vue pagination to play with REST api Getting bootstrap vue pagination to play with REST api vue.js vue.js

Getting bootstrap vue pagination to play with REST api

You need to set the per-page prop to 0 on the b-table component to disable the local pagination and allow b-pagination to handle the data. Here's an example:

new Vue({  el: '#app',  data() {    return {      items: [],      fields: [{          key: 'postId',          label: 'Post ID'        },        {          key: 'id',          label: 'ID'        },        {          key: 'name',          label: 'Name'        },        {          key: 'email',          label: 'Email'        },        {          key: 'body',          label: 'Body'        }      ],      currentPage: 0,      perPage: 10,      totalItems: 0    }  },  mounted() {    this.fetchData().catch(error => {      console.error(error)    })  },  methods: {    async fetchData() {      this.items = await fetch(`${this.currentPage}&_limit=${this.perPage}`)        .then(res => {          this.totalItems = parseInt(res.headers.get('x-total-count'), 10)          return res.json()        })        .then(items => items)    }  },  watch: {    currentPage: {      handler: function(value) {        this.fetchData().catch(error => {          console.error(error)        })      }    }  }})
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" /><script src=""></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><div id="app">  <b-table show-empty :items="items" :fields="fields" :current-page="currentPage" :per-page="0"></b-table>  <b-pagination size="md" :total-rows="totalItems" v-model="currentPage" :per-page="perPage"></b-pagination></div>