:Host CSS equivalent for VueJS Templates? :Host CSS equivalent for VueJS Templates? vue.js vue.js

:Host CSS equivalent for VueJS Templates?

There is no equivalent for Angular's :host in Vue.

The closest you are gonna get is by using CSS module.

Demo: App.vue in https://codesandbox.io/s/o4orw9nz35

<template>  <div id="app" :class="$style.container">    <p class="red">p tag</p>    <div class="blue">div tag</div>  </div></template><style lang="scss" module>.container :global {  .red {    color: red;  }  .blue {    color: blue;  }}</style>

Note how the .container class is used as $style.container as class in the root div.

CSS module will generate unique class name for .container, making it impossible to have class name collisions.

What does :global do?

CSS module transform the CSS class name into something unique by default.

for e.g. .container will be transformed into something like .container_7ba5bd90 when used as $style.container.

To avoid this transformation on certain classes, use :global to wrap them.

(Explanation for :global can be found here.)