How can I extract specific values from all items in axios response object to a a vuex state How can I extract specific values from all items in axios response object to a a vuex state vue.js vue.js

How can I extract specific values from all items in axios response object to a a vuex state

Create an array for the total results:

const results = [];

Where you're logging, parse each individual result: => {  results.push({     id:,     ref: item.ref,     environment:,     status: item.status,     tag: item.deployable.tag  });});

Note that it may be a performance optimization to use a normal for loop instead of forEach.

I think you could use Promise to keep the Order of requests, hence the Sorting in across pages data. The key is to put each axios call into an array, and then call Promise.all([]) with that array to get all reponses all at once in the original order you made the requests.

// Use headers to get the number of pagesconst pages = await axios.head(url, options).then((response) => response.headers['x-total-pages']);console.log('pages=', pages); // DEBUGlet promises = [];// Loop through and push them to an arrayfor (let i = 0; i <= pages; i += 1) {  console.log('i=', i);  options = {    headers: {      'Private-Token': token,    },    params: {      order_by: 'created_at',      sort: 'desc',      per_page: 100,      page: i,    },  };  let promise = axios.get(url, options);  // this below keep responses order  promises.push(promise);}// This wait for all Axios calls to be resolved as promisePromise.all(promises)  .then((result) => {    // now if you have 10 pages, you'll have result[0] to result[9], each of them is an axios response    console.log(result[0].data);    console.log(result[1].data); // if pages > 0    let items = []; // you can declare it outside too for Scope access    for (let i = 0; i <= pages; i += 1) {      // so many records, then take the minimum info      if (result[i].data.length >= 1000) {        result[i].data.forEach(item => {          items.push({            id:,            ref: item.ref,            environment:,            status: item.status,            tag: item.deployable.tag          });        }      } else {        // Not so many records then take all info        items = items.concat(result[i]);      }    }    // TODO: do whatever you want with the items array now  });

I would use here to map the original objects into simplified ones with only a subset of the properties:

const newResult = => ({                                   id:,                                   ref: d.ref,                                   environmentName:,                                   status: d.deployable.status,                                   deployableTag: d.deployable.tag                                 }))

const data = [  {    "created_at": "2016-08-11T07:36:40.222Z",    "updated_at": "2016-08-11T07:38:12.414Z",    "deployable": {      "commit": {        "author_email": "",        "author_name": "Administrator",        "created_at": "2016-08-11T09:36:01.000+02:00",        "id": "99d03678b90d914dbb1b109132516d71a4a03ea8",        "message": "Merge branch 'new-title' into 'master'\r\n\r\nUpdate README\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSee merge request !1",        "short_id": "99d03678",        "title": "Merge branch 'new-title' into 'master'\r"      },      "coverage": null,      "created_at": "2016-08-11T07:36:27.357Z",      "finished_at": "2016-08-11T07:36:39.851Z",      "id": 657,      "name": "deploy",      "ref": "master",      "runner": null,      "stage": "deploy",      "started_at": null,      "status": "success",      "tag": false,      "user": {        "id": 1,        "name": "Administrator",        "username": "root",        "state": "active",        "avatar_url": "",        "web_url": "",        "created_at": "2015-12-21T13:14:24.077Z",        "bio": null,        "location": null,        "public_email": "",        "skype": "",        "linkedin": "",        "twitter": "",        "website_url": "",        "organization": ""      },      "pipeline": {        "created_at": "2016-08-11T02:12:10.222Z",        "id": 36,        "ref": "master",        "sha": "99d03678b90d914dbb1b109132516d71a4a03ea8",        "status": "success",        "updated_at": "2016-08-11T02:12:10.222Z",        "web_url": ""      }    },    "environment": {      "external_url": "",      "id": 9,      "name": "production"    },    "id": 41,    "iid": 1,    "ref": "master",    "sha": "99d03678b90d914dbb1b109132516d71a4a03ea8",    "user": {      "avatar_url": "",      "id": 1,      "name": "Administrator",      "state": "active",      "username": "root",      "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"    }  },  {    "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.444Z",    "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:34:01.123Z",    "deployable": {      "commit": {        "author_email": "",        "author_name": "Administrator",        "created_at": "2016-08-11T13:28:26.000+02:00",        "id": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",        "message": "Merge branch 'rename-readme' into 'master'\r\n\r\nRename README\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSee merge request !2",        "short_id": "a91957a8",        "title": "Merge branch 'rename-readme' into 'master'\r"      },      "coverage": null,      "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:24.456Z",      "finished_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.145Z",      "id": 664,      "name": "deploy",      "ref": "master",      "runner": null,      "stage": "deploy",      "started_at": null,      "status": "success",      "tag": false,      "user": {        "id": 1,        "name": "Administrator",        "username": "root",        "state": "active",        "avatar_url": "",        "web_url": "",        "created_at": "2015-12-21T13:14:24.077Z",        "bio": null,        "location": null,        "public_email": "",        "skype": "",        "linkedin": "",        "twitter": "",        "website_url": "",        "organization": ""      },      "pipeline": {        "created_at": "2016-08-11T07:43:52.143Z",        "id": 37,        "ref": "master",        "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",        "status": "success",        "updated_at": "2016-08-11T07:43:52.143Z",        "web_url": ""      }    },    "environment": {      "external_url": "",      "id": 9,      "name": "production"    },    "id": 42,    "iid": 2,    "ref": "master",    "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",    "user": {      "avatar_url": "",      "id": 1,      "name": "Administrator",      "state": "active",      "username": "root",      "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"    }  }]const result = => ({  id:,  ref: d.ref,  environmentName:,  status: d.deployable.status,  deployableTag: d.deployable.tag}))console.log(result)