How can I test computed properties in VueJS? How can I test computed properties in VueJS? vue.js vue.js

How can I test computed properties in VueJS?

I came across this link that talks about testing and the section you'll need to look at is the Vue.nextTick(...) section

The block I'm talking about is below:

import Vue from 'vue';// The path is relative to the project root.import TestMe2 from 'src/components/TestMe2';describe('TestMe2.vue', () => {  ...  it(`should update when dataText is changed.`, done => {    const Constructor = Vue.extend(TestMe2);    const comp = new Constructor().$mount();    comp.dataProp = 'New Text';    Vue.nextTick(() => {      expect(comp.$el.textContent)        .to.equal('New Text');      // Since we're doing this asynchronously, we need to call done() to tell Mocha that we've finished the test.      done();    });  });});