How can I turn off the workbox browser console messages? How can I turn off the workbox browser console messages? vue.js vue.js

How can I turn off the workbox browser console messages?

You can use workbox.setConfig({ debug: false }); in order to use production build and remove extra logging, otherwise adjust your web console log level filtering accordingly.

Doc :

You add this setting in your service worker definition file, after the import. For example:

importScripts(``);if (workbox) {    console.log(`Yay! Workbox is loaded 😁`);} else {    console.log(`Boo! Workbox didn't load 😬`);}// Switch debug logging on/off here. Default is on in dev and off in prod.workbox.setConfig({debug: false});

For more information on this see

Simply add self.__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS = true at the top of your service worker (sw.js) file.

Contrarily to what answers posted here say, the solution is not:

  • to unregister your service worker to get rid of the messages. Your app may need it to run properly
  • to add workbox.setConfig({debug: false}) unless knowing what it does:
    it switches between a production build and a debug build. workbox automatically selects the debug build when running on localhost.

For me worked:Console -> Application tab -> Service workers -> sw.js unregister