How do I display the captcha icon only on certain pages (VUE reCAPTCHA-v3)? How do I display the captcha icon only on certain pages (VUE reCAPTCHA-v3)? vue.js vue.js

How do I display the captcha icon only on certain pages (VUE reCAPTCHA-v3)?

I've had the same issue while using the npm package, it's pretty annoying.

At the end of the day, I've decided not to use the package & follow Google's documentation.

This line here :

grecaptcha.execute('_reCAPTCHA_site_key_', {action: 'login'}).then(function(token) {  recaptcha = token})

Is equivalent to this line here from the npm package :

this.$recaptcha('login').then((token) => {   recaptcha = token })

You just need to add this line into your < head > for recaptcha to work :

<script src=""></script>

But as soon the script tag is in your < head >, you will be facing the same issue of it showing on every page.

The hack is that you only insert it into the < head > on components that you need.There are ways to do this but I ended up referencing this.

You can put it in the methods of your component & call the method when the component is loaded.

That way it will only show up on the pages that you need it to.

Just use this code:

const recaptcha = this.$recaptchaInstance// Hide reCAPTCHA badge:recaptcha.value.hideBadge()// Show reCAPTCHA badge:recaptcha.value.showBadge()

vue-recaptcha-v3 npm