How to add event on click on ant design vue table column title? How to add event on click on ant design vue table column title? vue.js vue.js

How to add event on click on ant design vue table column title?

I assume you are using this Ant Design Vue and this Table component.

You can use custom title by specify column.slots.title:

const columns = [  {    dataIndex: 'name',    key: 'name',    slots: {      title: 'customTitle'    }  }]

And define your customTitle slot:

<span slot='customTitle'>  <div @click='editTitle'>{{ title }}</div></span>


You can add a parameter for each item for example "isClickable" and put a click listener on each item of the v-for which will enter in a method that check if the item is clickable or not.

<template>    <div>        <div            v-for="column in columns"            @click="clickOnColumn(column)"        />    </div></template><script>export default {    data: () => ({        columns: [            {                title: 'Name',                dataIndex: 'name',                width: 300,                isClickable: true,            },            { title: 'Employee ID', dataIndex: 'displayId', width: 150 },            { title: 'Normal', dataIndex: '', width: 100 },            { title: 'Overtime', dataIndex: '', width: 100 },            { title: 'Holiday', dataIndex: '', width: 100 },            { title: 'Rest Day', dataIndex: '', width: 100 },        ],    }),    methods: {        clickOnColumn(column) {            if (column.isClickable) {                // Execute code            } else {                return null            }        },    },}</script><style lang="scss" scoped></style>