How to add multiple data types for VueJs Props? How to add multiple data types for VueJs Props? vue.js vue.js

How to add multiple data types for VueJs Props?

Here is the solution I found.

props: {   value: [Number, String, Array]}

The syntax with a pipe (Number | String), like proposed in the accepted answer, does not actually work. Here is a more detailed solution with examples:

Type-Check, Not Required Prop

Use of the following syntax to type check a prop:

props: {  username: {    type: [ String, Number ]  }}

Here is a live example of a property with type check:

Vue.config.devtools = false;Vue.config.productionTip = false;Vue.component('test-component', {  name: 'TestComponent',  props: {    username: {      type: [ String, Number ]    }  },  template: `<div>username: {{ username }}</div>`});new Vue({ el: '#app' });
<script src=""></script><div id="app">  <!-- valid: String -->  <test-component :username="'user 38'"></test-component>    <!-- valid: Number -->  <test-component :username="59"></test-component>    <!-- valid: null is valid, it is not required -->  <test-component :username="null"></test-component>  <!-- valid: missing property is valid, it is not required -->  <test-component></test-component>  <!-- invalid: Array -->  <test-component :username="['test', 456]"></test-component></div>