How to call action inside action in Vuex How to call action inside action in Vuex vue.js vue.js

How to call action inside action in Vuex

this is how i got it to working :)

import Vue from 'vue'export const fetchUsers = ({ dispatch, state }) => {  Vue.http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users').then((response) => {    dispatch('SET_USERS',  }, (response) => {    dispatch('SET_USERS', [])    console.log(response)  })}export const updateUser = ({ dispatch, state }, user) => {  Vue.http.patch('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users/' +, {user: user}).then((response) => {    fetchUsers({dispatch})  }, (response) => {    dispatch('SET_USERS', [])    console.log(response)  })}

When you console.log('this', this) inside of store module, you can see dispatch listed in that context. so you can use it like so.:

// inside of store/test.js moduleexport const state = () => ({    test: 'somestate'})export const mutations = {  ACTION_TWO(state, data) {    state.test = data;  }}export const actions = {  actionOne({ commit }, value) {     this.dispatch('test/actionTwo', value); // moduleName/action  },  actionTwo({ commit }, valueToCommit) {    commit('ACTION_TWO', valueToCommit);  }}