How to color vue2 leaflet markers dynamically? How to color vue2 leaflet markers dynamically? vue.js vue.js

How to color vue2 leaflet markers dynamically?

Yes you can implement by using this property L.divIcon().

Represents a lightweight icon for markers that uses a simple <div> element instead of an image. Inherits from Icon but ignores the iconUrl and shadow options.

Your template will be like bellow

<div id="app">    <l-map :zoom="zoom" :center="center">      <l-tile-layer :url="url" :attribution="attribution"></l-tile-layer>      <l-marker         v-for="(item, index) in markers"        :key="'marker-' + index"        :lat-lng="item.location"        :icon="getIcon(item)"></l-marker>    </l-map></div>

and your getIcon() method will be like this

getIcon(item) {  return L.divIcon({    className: "my-custom-pin",    html: `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 34.892337" height="60" width="40">  <g transform="translate(-814.59595,-274.38623)">    <g transform="matrix(1.1855854,0,0,1.1855854,-151.17715,-57.3976)">      <path d="m 817.11249,282.97118 c -1.25816,1.34277 -2.04623,3.29881 -2.01563,5.13867 0.0639,3.84476 1.79693,5.3002 4.56836,10.59179 0.99832,2.32851 2.04027,4.79237 3.03125,8.87305 0.13772,0.60193 0.27203,1.16104 0.33416,1.20948 0.0621,0.0485 0.19644,-0.51262 0.33416,-1.11455 0.99098,-4.08068 2.03293,-6.54258 3.03125,-8.87109 2.77143,-5.29159 4.50444,-6.74704 4.56836,-10.5918 0.0306,-1.83986 -0.75942,-3.79785 -2.01758,-5.14062 -1.43724,-1.53389 -3.60504,-2.66908 -5.91619,-2.71655 -2.31115,-0.0475 -4.4809,1.08773 -5.91814,2.62162 z" style="fill:${item.color};stroke:${item.strokeColor};"/>      <circle r="3.0355" cy="288.25278" cx="823.03064" id="path3049" style="display:inline;fill:${item.circleColor};"/>    </g>  </g></svg>`  });}

You could check here with working JS fiddle and please see below screenshot taken from JS fiddle.

enter image description here

I am using this pointhi/leaflet-color-markers

I have an icon color file with all my icons:

export const redIcon = new L.Icon({  iconUrl:    "      markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-red.png",  shadowUrl:         "           shadow.png",    iconSize: [25, 41],    iconAnchor: [12, 41],    popupAnchor: [1, -34],    shadowSize: [41, 41]});

and then, I use my redIcon in the map like this:

<l-marker  v-for="(item, index) in list"  :key="index"  :icon="getIcon()">getIcon() {  return redIcon;}