How to dynamically mutate "args" in Storybook v6 from the component's action? How to dynamically mutate "args" in Storybook v6 from the component's action? vue.js vue.js

How to dynamically mutate "args" in Storybook v6 from the component's action?

I had the same exact issue, and kept looking for days, till I stumbled upon this github post:

Currently in my React (am sure vue approach will be similar), I do following:

import React from 'react';import CheckboxGroupElement from '../CheckboxGroup';import { STORYBOOK_CATEGORIES } from 'elements/storybook.categories';import { useArgs } from '@storybook/client-api';export default {  component: CheckboxGroupElement,  title: 'Components/CheckboxGroup',  argTypes: {    onChange: {      control: 'func',      table: {        category: STORYBOOK_CATEGORIES.EVENTS,      },    },  },  parameters: { actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on.*' } },};const Template = (args) => {  const [_, updateArgs] = useArgs();  const handle = (e, f) => {// inside this function I am updating arguments, but you can call it anywhere according to your demand, the key solution here is using `useArgs()`// As you see I am updating list of options with new state here    console.log(e, f);    updateArgs({ ...args, options: e });  };  return <CheckboxGroupElement {...args} onChange={handle} />;};export const CheckboxGroup = Template.bind({});CheckboxGroup.storyName = 'CheckboxGroup';CheckboxGroup.args = {//Here you define default args for your story (initial ones)  controller: { label: 'Group controller' },  options: [    { label: 'option 1', checked: true },    { label: 'option 2', checked: false },    { label: 'option 3', checked: false },  ],  mode: 'nested',};