How to fire an event when v-model changes? How to fire an event when v-model changes? vue.js vue.js

How to fire an event when v-model changes?

You can actually simplify this by removing the v-on directives:

<input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios1" value="1" v-model="srStatus">

And use the watch method to listen for the change:

new Vue ({    el: "#app",    data: {        cases: [            { name: 'case A', status: '1' },            { name: 'case B', status: '0' },            { name: 'case C', status: '1' }        ],        activeCases: [],        srStatus: ''    },    watch: {        srStatus: function(val, oldVal) {            for (var i = 0; i < this.cases.length; i++) {                if (this.cases[i].status == val) {                    this.activeCases.push(this.cases[i]);                    alert("Fired! " + val);                }            }        }    }});

This happens because your click handler fires before the value of the radio button changes. You need to listen to the change event instead:

<input   type="radio"   name="optionsRadios"   id="optionsRadios2"   value=""  v-model="srStatus"   v-on:change="foo"> //here

Also, make sure you really want to call foo() on ready... seems like maybe you don't actually want to do that.

ready:function(){    foo();},

Vue2: if you only want to detect change on input blur (e.g. after press enter or click somewhere else) do (more info here)

<input @change="foo" v-model... >

If you wanna detect single character changes (during user typing) use

<input @keydown="foo" v-model... >

You can also use @keyup and @input events. If you wanna to pass additional parameters use in template e.g. @keyDown="foo($event, param1, param2)". Comparision below (editable version here)