How to fix "webpack Dev Server Invalid Options" in Vuejs How to fix "webpack Dev Server Invalid Options" in Vuejs vue.js vue.js

How to fix "webpack Dev Server Invalid Options" in Vuejs

yea this issue just popped up in the last few hours in @vue/cli. I had the same thing in a fresh project. To fix it try this:

  1. Create a file in the root of your project called vue.config.js if you don't already have that file.

  2. Add this to that file:

module.exports = {  devServer: {    clientLogLevel: 'info'  }};

Then re-run your project. Something happened last night where the clientLogLevel value that comes preset became incorrect.

Here's a thread talking about this issue: GitHub.

I have no idea why you're getting that error but here is how you'd configure that option:

1.Create vue.config.js in your root directory

2.Enter the following into it:

module.exports = {  devServer: {    clientLogLevel: 'debug'  }}

3.Rerun npm run serve

You can read more about configuring the dev server here.

Seems like webpack-dev-server@3.4.0 broke something. I reverted it to 3.3.1 and it seems to be working.