how to get data from JSON file in Vue.js? how to get data from JSON file in Vue.js? vue.js vue.js

how to get data from JSON file in Vue.js?

Well, you will have to add the code that you have written for Vue

If you are in a vue app, you can do something like this

<script>      import json from './json/data.json'      export default{          data(){              return{                  myJson: json              }          }      }</script>

and if you are writting it inside an html page. you can do it in 2 steps.

1st is to add the file link as a script

<script src="../file.json"></script>

then in the vue script section you can assign it to the data object.

var ele = new Vue({     el : "#YourElement",     data : ObjName});

"ObjName" is a name of the json object in the file.

ObjName :{"data": [    [        {           "account_id": "  "           "account_name": "   "        }

You can use a computed property that would reactively take account_name property of the first object of every array:

const data = {  "data": [    [      {        "account_id": "11",        "account_name": "name11"      },      {        "account_id": "12",        "account_name": "name12"      },      {        "account_id": "13",        "account_name": "name13"      },      {        "account_id": "14",        "account_name": "name14"      }    ],    [      {        "account_id": "21",        "account_name": "name21"      },      {        "account_id": "22",        "account_name": "name22"      },      {        "account_id": "23",        "account_name": "name23"      }    ],    [      {        "account_id": "31",        "account_name": "name31"      },      {        "account_id": "32",        "account_name": "name32"      },      {        "account_id": "33",        "account_name": "name33"      }    ]  ]}new Vue({  el: '#demo',  data() {    return {      data:    }  },  computed: {    firstAccountNames() {      return => dataSet[0].account_name)    }  }})
<script src=""></script><div id="demo">  <ul>    <li v-for="name in firstAccountNames">      {{ name }}    </li>  </ul></div>

I solved it! here is code!

var app = new Vue({el: '#app',data: {    datas: []},computed: {    getAccountNames() {        return => dataSet[0].account_name)    }},mounted() {    var self = this    $.getJSON("modified_data.json", function(json_data) {        self.datas =    })  }})

Anyway, another question...what is the difference between "this" and "self" ?"self" is equal to "this" I think but when I just use "this", it has error but "self" works well...anyone can tell me the difference?