How to get Navigation drawer clipped under dialog toolbar Vuetifyjs + Vuejs How to get Navigation drawer clipped under dialog toolbar Vuetifyjs + Vuejs vue.js vue.js

How to get Navigation drawer clipped under dialog toolbar Vuetifyjs + Vuejs

Clipped failed to work but it can be clipped under the dialog tool bar with some inline style. Applied class ='mt-5' and style='top: 16px' to get the desired result.


new Vue({  el: '#app',  data () {      return {        dialog: null,        notifications: false,        sound: true,        widgets: false      }    }})
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="app">  <v-app id="inspire">    <v-btn primary dark v-on:click.stop="dialog = true">Open Dialog</v-btn>    {{dialog}}    <v-dialog v-model="dialog"  transition="dialog-bottom-transition" width="80%">      <v-card>        <v-toolbar dark class="primary">          <v-btn icon @click.native="dialog = false" dark>            <v-icon>close</v-icon>          </v-btn>          <v-toolbar-title>Settings</v-toolbar-title>          <v-spacer></v-spacer>          <v-toolbar-items>            <v-btn dark flat @click.native="dialog = false">Save</v-btn>          </v-toolbar-items>        </v-toolbar>         <v-navigation-drawer                                        temporary                                        absolute                                        right                                        width=""                                        height=""                                        class='mt-5'                                        style='top: 16px'                                >                                    <v-list light one-line class="grey pa-1">                                        <v-list-tile>                                            <v-list-tile-content>                                                <v-list-tile-title class="white--text subheading">                                                    HEADER                                                </v-list-tile-title>                                            </v-list-tile-content>                                        </v-list-tile>                                    </v-list>                                    <v-list class="pt-0" dense>                                        <v-divider></v-divider>                                        <v-list-tile >                                                <v-icon color="grey">remove</v-icon> Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum                                        </v-list-tile>                                    </v-list>                                </v-navigation-drawer>        <v-card-media src="" height="200px">        </v-card-media>        <v-card-title primary-title>          <div>            <h3 class="headline mb-0">Kangaroo Valley Safari</h3>            <div>Located two hours south of Sydney in the <br>Southern Highlands of New South Wales, ...</div>          </div>        </v-card-title>        <v-card-actions>          <v-btn flat class="orange--text">Share</v-btn>          <v-btn flat class="orange--text">Explore</v-btn>        </v-card-actions>      </v-card>    </v-dialog>  </v-app></div>