How to make a table row clickable and expand the row - vue.js - element-ui How to make a table row clickable and expand the row - vue.js - element-ui vue.js vue.js

How to make a table row clickable and expand the row - vue.js - element-ui

Alright, I figured out the solution and answering my own question :)


<template lang="pug">  el-table(:data="tableData", @row-click="rowClicked", ref="tableData").clickable-rows    el-table-column(label="Employee Name", prop="userName")    el-table-column(label="Company Name", prop="companyName")    el-table-column(type="expand", align="right" )      template(slot-scope="props")        p User Name: {{ props.row.userName }}        p Company Name: {{ props.row.companyName }}</template>


<script>  export default {    methods: {      rowClicked(row) {        this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowExpansion(row);      }    }  }</script>

Style - scss

// click-able rows.clickable-rows {  tbody tr td {    cursor: pointer;  }  .el-table__expanded-cell {    cursor: default;  }}