How to make non table pagination with Buefy How to make non table pagination with Buefy vue.js vue.js

How to make non table pagination with Buefy

You can use <b-pagination> component

Without any code sample from you, this would be minimal approach to use that component

const example = {    data() {        return {            items: [],            current: 1,            perPage: 5,        }    },    created() {      // populate array      for(var i = 1; i <= 100; i++){        this.items.push(i)      }    },    computed: {      total() {        return this.items.length      },      /*        Filtered items that are shown in the table      */      paginatedItems() {        let page_number = this.current-1         return this.items.slice(page_number * this.perPage, (page_number + 1) * this.perPage);              }    },    }Vue.config.devtools = falseVue.config.productionTip = falseconst app = new Vue(example)app.$mount('#app')
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><script src=""></script><!-- Buefy CSS --><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><!-- Buefy JavaScript --><script src=""></script><div id="app" class="container">  <div v-for="(item, index) in paginatedItems">    {{ item }}  </div>  <b-pagination    :total="total"    :current.sync="current"    :per-page="perPage"  >  </b-pagination></div>

Do a filter with that displays your first 5. When you click in the number of the page or next page and have a var with that value. The your filter will need to read that var and give you the right number or objects.

Example:Page 1 -> 1 to 5Page 2 -> 6 to 10 (2 = +5, 3= +10)

Your filter will update and show the new ones